Caption: God still performs miracles
Our team was really working hard to reduce the ticket prices for Mom Comm 2023 attendees. However, looking at our expenses it felt fairly impossible.
I prayed all weekend and really felt the Lord tugging at my heart to reduce ticket prices despite not having secured a donor to cover this reduction.
Ridiculous. I can't see a solution.
I came in to work Monday...and God had answered. Faith is believing when we CANNOT see. Because of a miraculous answer through a spectacular sponsorship situation, tickets are no longer $145 this month. Friend, tickets are only $70. Absolutely an answer to this prayer. He gets the glory. And, you get the benefit.
This conference is worth it.
God has moved mountains for you.
He has made a way for more moms to attend and for our team to afford blessing each one...including you.
We are not offering tickets for $145 this January, but only $70.
Please share the news with others.
A sickening video I received this week:
When Aaron and I served as youth pastors, we got news that would make anyone cry themselves to sleep. One of our teens confided in us that she was being raped by her father. We did what we were legally required to do. How convenient. And although we got authorities involved, any success was short lived as her mom worked at an agency that dealt with the state's CPS/DCFS. It was later relayed that this teen sat in front of her mom and mom's colleagues and recanted. In my 20's, I was so ignorant, helpless, uninformed, insert more words... I foolishly thought this youth was "mistaken".
Then came the video this week with a brief message. Ugh. It showed a home video that confirmed her abuse. And, my heart sank. Now in this advocacy work, I have always wondered the "truth" and if I should have done more. Now it was staring me right in the face. I geared up for how my apology might land all these years later.
God is so good. I had the most healing conversation when this now adult with her own precious family contacted me after decades...and forgave me. Yes, she absolutely suffered the most horrible atrocities. I absolutely could have done more and didn't. And yet, she forgave me. She is in counseling, working to raise her children differently, and moving on. But, how magnanimous that the kingdom of God shifted just a little when forgiveness pierced the atmosphere? Please be praying for this sweet friend.
The lesson I share is that every child should receive the benefit of the doubt. I will never again lack tenacity because children risk much to share. They don't know how to articulate just how horrendous an act was unless there is some experience of it. They just don't. For every child, Lord, let there be an adult in their corner. And, thank you for your forgiveness, friend!
I was on the giving end of forgiveness this week, too. And, it was just as powerful. I had had a situation this week where I saw God more tangibly than I have in a while. You know how we always talk as Christians about being in the battle that is not against flesh and blood? Have you ever warred so hard that you felt that darkness? That was my last week. I felt it.
My stomach churned a little before this call just wondering how it would end after feeling compelled to boldly speak the truth in love. That right there was the key. Love. God gave me the ability to truly love the others on that call despite my overwhelming feeling of disappointment. My heart was not ruled by that emotion - solely by His grace and power. Because, let's me honest, my natural tendency is always justice. Most advocates live in this mindset. Lol. But, God allowed my heart not to seek "justice", but the outcome He desired; unity, restoration, healing. So, I said what needed to be said and from a place of utter compassion and supernatural strength. What happened next floored me. The other party apologized. They chose to stand with my team and support us in unimaginable ways. I felt the shift. I felt the enemy falter. I felt it, guys.
It inspired me to say sorry more often. To come alongside my sisters and brothers. And, to say the hard things from a place of love and trusting God with the outcome.
While every outcome may be different, I share a significant truth that is universal: Repentance is the soil that cannot grow anything the enemy plants. Nothing. If we want to thwart our enemy, we repent.
EXTRAS: I am recording with two podcasts this week. I will share the link!